All Grades
A copy of the Admission Process for New Students is available for download here.
Complete, sign, and date the three page application available for download here.
Return completed application to the school office with the following items:
- $50 application fee
- Copy of child’s birth certificate
- Copy of child’s baptismal certificate (if Catholic)
- Copy of child’s physical and immunization record
- For Kindergarten applications: a copy of the Pre-Kindergarten report card
- For applications of higher grades: the previous two years’ report cards, copies of any New York State test results, copies of the previous two years’ standardized test scores (where applicable)
Please note that all students applying for Pre-Kindergarten must be toilet trained (no Pull-Ups) by the start of the school year.
In accordance with New York State regulations, students will be admitted to PreK-3, PreK-4, kindergarten, or first grade if they will be three, four, five, or six years old (respectively) by December 31 of the year they enroll.
If you are transferring from another school, we will contact the principal to ensure that your tuition and fees are up to date.
Any student applying after March 15 will incur a higher registration fee.
Please note New York State immunization requirements available for download here.