Home School Association

Annunciation Home School Association (HSA)

The Home School Association consists of the pastor, principal, and a representation of Annunciation parents.  The purpose of the organization is to facilitate communication and cooperation between school and the home. Annunciation’s HSA provides a family connection to the school by promoting family involvement for the betterment of all children through family events and fundraising activities. The HSA strives to assist the school in providing an environment which integrates academic excellence with Christian values.  Events that are sponsored by the HSA include Fall Festival, Book Fair, Christmas Boutique, Father/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Night, Family Bingo, and May Carnival.  The HSA also provides author visits and assembly programs throughout the year.


HSA Daily Operations Team

AdministrationMr. Keenan, Mrs Liberatori & Mrs. Perichhkeenan@annunciationcrestwood.com; cgeraghty@annunciationcrestwood.com

Kristina BachBudget & Accounting Coordinatorkgbach421@gmail.com

Gabrielle CarboneCommunications - Social Mediagcarbone@annunciationcrestwood.com
Diana CarvalhoCommunications - Social Mediadcarvalho@annunciationcrestwood.com

Aisling DeSola

Administration Liaison & Weekly Connection Communicationaisling9581@gmail.com
Jacqueline DiMiceli

Class Parent Coordinator & Class Parent Communications


Class Parents 2024-2025

Class parents provide invaluable support to the classroom teacher throughout the school year.  They help facilitate class celebrations and work with the school administration as necessary.

PreK-3Christina da Silva Cacoilojandtcacoilo@gmail.com

PreK-4Jennifer Bonura & Nicole Kristensen

jbonura113@gmail.com ntocci1230@aol.com

KindergartenJillian Collins & Annie Duffelljillianbcollins@gmail.com annduffell11@gmail.com
1st GradeMarissa Desposati & Aileen Doohan


2nd GradeSharon Lowney & Delia Minsonsharon.ann.courtney@gmail.com deliaminson@gmail.com

3rd GradeSuzanne Kaluzinksi & Rebecca Kerrigansuzannedos@yahoo.com
4th GradeNiamh Curristin & Julie Lattimerniamh.curristin1@gmail.com

5th GradeAnna Burns & Nicole DelTresteanna.francesca.burns@gmail.comndeltreste23@gmail.com

6th GradeBeth Clarke & Vera Gilchrist


7th GradeSalem Crabtree, Christine Downs, Andrea Mangino & Diana McElhattonwscrab@optonline.net; christinedowns85@gmail.com; akelly2280@yahoo.com; dianamcelhatton@gmail.com

8th GradeTori Grassi, Danielle Puglia, Regina Saake & Danielle Tauber



Event Chairs

AES DirectoryNancy Favoritonancyfavorito@verizon.net
AES Ice Skating DayJulie Lattimerjulie.l.odonnell@gmail.com
AES STEM DayErin Downey

AES Teacher Appreciation CollectionVera Gilchrist & Michelle Scanlon

verabu2003@yahoo.com; mscanlon77@gmail.com
AES Teacher Appreciation Events

Tracy McCue


AES Virtual Auction

Aisling DeSola & Joanna Quinn

aisling9581@gmail.com; Jlignore1@gmail.com
AES Walk-a-thonDaily Operations Team

Almost New Year’s EveSamantha Ruddle & TBD

Author Events

Daily Operations Teamhsa@annunciationcrestwood.com

Parent Speaker Series

Kelly Bradykghartman5@gmail.com
Bingo Night

Carolee Delaney & Delia Minson

carolee.delaney@gmail.com; deliaminson@gmail.com

Birthday Bash ProgramAisling DeSola & Jacqueline DiMiceliaisling9581@gmail.com; jacqueline.dimiceli@gmail.com
Book Fair

Valeria Gallotta & Theresa McMorrow

veecastanaro@gmail.com; mcmorrows1006@gmail.com
Catholic Schools WeekDaily Operations Team


Christmas Boutique

Valeria Gallotta & Maureen Jankowskiveecastanaro@gmail.com; maureen746@yahoo.com

Color Run

Brianne Donnelly & Devin Parinello
brianne.o.donnelly@gmail.com; efp1024@gmail.com
Donuts with Dads

Amy Lang & Amanda Speer

cormier.amy@gmail.com; akp810@aol.com

8th Grade Halloween Carnival

Tori Grassi, Danielle Puglia,
Regina Saake & Danielle Tauber

toriog4279@yahoo.com; dcrane83@aol.com;
prsaake78@gmail.com; danielle.tauber@wilsonelser.com
Fall Festival

Janice Costigan, Cara Cronin & Rebecca Kerriganjanicecostigan@gmail.com; cscullycronin@gmail.com; rebecca.ann.harris@gmail.com
Father Daughter Dance

Christine Downs, Janine Figueiredo & Jillian Ritacco

christinedowns85@gmail.com;JFigueiredo@thompsoncoburn.com; ritaccojill@gmail.com

Lil Knights Pumpkin Patch

Daily Operations Team


May Carnival

Jacqueline DiMiceli, Leslie McDermott & Rima Sayeghjacqueline.dimiceli@gmail.com; leslie.mcdermott@gmail.com; rsayegh88@gmail.com

Mother Daughter YogaMaria Ashraf


Mother Son EventRosa DiLullo, Kathy Goggin & Katie Meagherrdilullo3@gmail.com; katgoggin@yahoo.com; katiemeagher1@gmail.com

Muffins with Moms

Kelly Bradykghartman5@gmail.com

New Student Ice Cream Social

Erin Downey


School Supply Delivery

Michelle Scanlonmscanlon77@gmail.com

Spiritwear for a Cause

Christine Downschristinedowns85@gmail.com

Spread the Love Pie DriveSuzanne Kaluzinski & Rebecca Kerrigan

suzannedos@yahoo.com; rebecca.ann.harris@gmail.com