How can I make a gift to the Annual Fund?
There are many different ways to give. Learn more
How can I put Annunciation School in my Will?
We invite you to join the Monsignor Dugan Society by making a commitment to support the Foundation through a gift in your will or other planned gift. Many individuals remember their favorite charities in their estate. We hope that you will add the Foundation to that list of your favorite charities. Learn more about the Monsignor Dugan Society
How does The AES Crestwood Foundation differ from the Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Men’s Club and Ladies Guild?
The AES Crestwood Foundation, Inc., is a 501 (C)(3) charitable organization which was created for the sole purpose of providing financial support to Annunciation School in order
students in a Catholic tradition of excellence. By handling fundraising for the benefit of Annunciation School, the Foundation ensures that donations are utilized to sustain and expand existing programs, create innovative new initiatives and keep tuition affordable.
How do our Parish Ministries support Annunciation School?
At the end of each academic year, the Annunciation-OLF Men’s Club and Ladies Guild make a donation to the Annual Fund in support of Annunciation School. This yearly gift demonstrates the ministries’ commitment to the mission of the Foundation in ensuring that Annunciation School remains a premier leader in the Catholic tradition of academic excellence.